Thursday 3 September 2015


The participants in the international congress of 17,000 martyrs of terror have urged the international organizations and media to take immediate measures to end extremism and terrorism, which are the most important challenges of the contemporary world. The Indian University Professor, Indi Malapa, in an interview with IRIB World Service reporter, on the sidelines of this congress, pointed out that unfortunately the reaction of the global organizations toward the phenomenon of terrorism has been inappropriate to this date.
This Indian academic figure also underlined that some powers take advantage of the Takfiri and terrorist outfits to fulfill their own sinister interests, which has caused numerous problems.
The American attorney, Frank Lamber, who had attended this international congress also pinpointed that the international organizations should make use of all of the existing approaches and means to stop terrorist crimes, wherever they occur.
This American lawyer urged the world countries to unite in the campaign against terrorism, while reminding that terrorism poses a serious threat against humanity. He added that some states take advantage of terrorism for maintenance of their own interests, in a bid to somehow impact other countries.
The former BBC reporter, Tony Gasling, who had also taken part in this international congress, in an interview with IRIB World Service reporter, emphasized the important role of independent global media in enlightening the public opinion on the different aspects of the phenomenon of terrorism.
He noted that he left BBC News Network because of its wrong policies on different global events.
He added that the goals and functions of terrorism should be clarified, while pointing out that many economic cartels are involved in terrorist operations and support terrorists. The former BBC reporter termed the claims of domineering states, which introduce themselves as pacifist, are sheer lies, while underscoring that these hegemonic states have in fact waged numerous wars.
Meanwhile the secretary of this international congress, Mohammad Javad Hashemi-Nejad, called for the focus of the international community on Iran, as the biggest victim of terrorism in the world.
The second international congress on the 17,000 martyrs of terror opened on Monday in the presence of some of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s officials, and participants from Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine,
India, and Pakistan, in addition to a number of foreign ambassadors to Tehran. This congress drew to an end on Tuesday.

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