Monday 28 December 2015


The Iraqi army and volunteer forces regained control over the strategic Al-Tash region in the city of Ramadi on Sunday.

The capture of Al-Tash on the Western side of Al-Anbar province is the most important achievement of the Iraqi forces in the last 48 hours.

After winning back Al-Tash region, the Iraqi forces headed towards the Ramadi city's state hospital on Sunday morning.

On Saturday, the Iraqi forces captured the last remaining district held by ISIS in the center of the city of Ramadi in Anbar province.

The army troops managed to gain control over Huz neighborhood in the center of Ramadi city.

Yet, army officials underlined that they still need few days more before they can declare full liberation of the city as sporadic clashes continue in certain parts in the city center.

"The mop-up operations and defusing the IEDs and booby-trapped vehicles and buildings might be accomplished on Sunday or early on Monday," a military source said.

Meantime, the ISIS Takfiri terrorist group killed at least 50 of its own militants after they disobeyed orders to carry out suicide attacks against government troops in Ramadi.

"The ISIS has buried the bodies of its disobedient members in different parts of Ramadi city," senior army commander in Anbar province Colonel Walid al-Dulaimi said.

He reiterated that the ISIS terrorists are committing barbaric crimes as the Iraqi forces are advancing in Ramadi city and they are going to lose the ground.

Military sources had informed earlier today that the country's army had purged ISIL terrorists from 90% of Ramadi.

"The breakthrough was made after Friday evening's fierce clashes between the Iraqi forces and the terrorists in the strategic region of Huz in the Southern parts of Ramadi and North of al-Zabat district," the army sources added.

The victory will pave the ground for the Iraqi army to clean up the city center from ISIS terrorists and rebuild the bridge connecting Huz and the Southern outskirts of Ramadi, including Qadisiya region, which in turn would facilitated dispatch of troops and arms logistics to the Iraqi forces.

Iraqi officials stated on Friday that they would earn full victory in a few days.

The Iraqi armed forces started massive attacks on the ISIS last week to take back Ramadi. The government troops have already managed to take control of al-Zabat, al-Aramel and al-Bakr regions in the Southern parts of Ramadi city; FNA reported.

For Reference

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