Friday 18 December 2015


Informed sources said the Iraqi army troops made great advances in Fallujah’s Southern peripheries in Anbar province, and retook key buildings.

The sources said the Iraqi flag is flying above the police headquarters in Nu'aimiyah area.

Separately, the Iraqi forces also repelled a massive attack on Amiriyat al-Fallujah by dozens of militants.

The Iraqi army also killed 7 ISIL terrorists and detained four others in the Jisr area in Northern Ramadi in Anbar province.

Meanwhile, the Iraqi Special Forces dismantled three car bombs after they raided an ISIL command post in Abu Ghraib, West of the capital, Baghdad.

On Wednesday, military sources said that the strategic bridge of al-Tufaha has been captured by the Iraqi Army and the country's popular forces after hours of fierce clashes with ISIL terrorists East of Anbar province.

"The ISIL defense lines near the al-Tufaha bridge, over the Euphrates river, came under the joint offensive of the Iraqi army and the popular forces of Hashed al-Shaabi earlier today (on Wednesday)," the sources said.

"The ISIL retreated from the nearby areas of the bridge and the Iraqi government forces took full control over the bridge, after killing and wounding many terrorists," they further added.

"Conquest of the strategic bridge will end in more isolation of the ISIL forces trapped in Ramadi," the sources pointed out, adding," the government force now have another path to forward fresh forces to the Ramadi battlefield."

Earlier reports said that Iraqi army and the country's popular forces are planning to start the last phase of their large-scale operation to liberate Ramadi city from the ISIL Takfiri terrorists.

"Ramadi is to be stormed in the upcoming days," sources said.

"The commanders of the Iraqi army troops and the popular forces operating in the Ramadi battlefield have held several joint meetings in Anbar province to coordinate each others' duties and missions in the final phase of liberating operation of the city," the sources said.

"The army commander vowed to do their best to have a rapid access to the defense lines of the ISIL with the lowest possible casualties," they added.

"The popular forces also are recruiting fresh fighters from the nearby villages and towns," the sources went on to say; FNA repor

For Reference

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