Sunday 27 December 2015


General Command: Syrian Air Force eliminates terrorist Zahran Alloush and large number of terrorist organizations’ leaders
The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces confirmed that terrorist Zahran Alloush and a number of leaders of the terrorist organizations “Islam Army,” “al-Rahman Legion,” and “Ahrar al-Cham Islamic Movement” were killed in a special operation conducted by the Syrian Air Force against terrorists’ bases in the Eastern Ghouta area, Damascus Countryside, the Syrisn SANA reported.
 "Islam Army is one of several Takfiri terrorist organizations that embrace the Wahabi mentality. This organization, which is armed and funded by Al Saud, holds thousands of people hostage in the Eastern Ghouta and targets residential areas in Damascus and its suburbs with mortars and rockets, which has the lives of many civilians, many of them women and children."

In a statement issued on Friday evening, the General Command said that after a series of surveillance and monitoring operations, based on accurate intelligence, and in cooperation with upright citizens, the Syrian Air Force conducted a special operation that targeted bases and concentrations of terrorists in the Eastern Ghouta, which resulted in the death of Zahran Alloush, the leader of Islam Army, along with a large number of leaders of the same terrorist organization and of al-Rahman Legion and Ahrar al-Cham, which are responsible for firing rocket shells at civilians in Damascus and its suburbs.

The statement said that this operation is part of the Syrian Arab Army’s mission to confront terrorism until it is uprooted and until security and stability are restored to the entirety of Syria, voicing determination to continue this mission and calling on all those who bear arms against the state to lay down their weapons, resolve their legal status, and help protect Syria from terrorism.
Islam Army is one of several Takfiri terrorist organizations that embrace the Wahabi mentality. This organization, which is armed and funded by Al Saud, holds thousands of people hostage in the Eastern Ghouta and targets residential areas in Damascus and its suburbs with mortars and rockets, which has the lives of many civilians, many of them women and children.

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