Friday 26 February 2016


The Syrian Army Ground and Air Forces hit the militant groups’ centers hard in different parts of Homs province on Thursday, inflicting a heavy death toll on the terrorists.

Tens of terrorists were killed in clashes with the Syrian forces near Talbiseh city on the Northern outskirts of Homs city.

Also the army attacked the positions and gathering centers of terrorists in the ancient city of Tadmur (Palmyra).

Elsewhere in the two towns of al-Qantu and Tir Ma'ala on the outskirts of Homs as well as Talbiseh, the Syrian artillery units hit hard and destroyed the terrorists' strongholds and centers.

Also on Wednesday, the Syrian air force and artillery units struck the militant groups' defense lines and bases in the Northern, Eastern and Northeastern parts of Homs province, battlefield sources said, adding the attacks slowed down the terrorist groups' logistic-military movements.

"The Syrian army's artillery units opened fire at the militants' positions near Dar al-Kabireh, Keisin and al-Sa'an al-Aswad in the Northern part of the province, and pinned down the terrorists behind their lines of defense," the sources said.

"The Syrian artillery, meantime, shelled the ISIL gatherings near the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur) and the village of Hawash Hajjow in the Southeastern part of Homs province, which left several terrorists dead," the sources added.

"The Syrian fighter jets, for their part, pounded two bases of the militant groups in Tir Ma'ala in North and several strongholds of the ISIL near Taloul al-Soud, Palmyra and the ancient Assyrian town of Quaryatayn, which inflicted major losses on the terrorists," they further said.

"The Syrian Army's aircraft tracked and targeted a long convoy of the ISIL vehicles carrying fresh fighters, weapons and ammunition heading towards Aleppo-Khanaser road in the Southeastern part of Aleppo, which ended in destruction of almost the entire vehicles," the sources went on to say; FNA reported.

For Reference

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