Friday 25 March 2016


US Republican frontrunner Donald Trump refrains to rule out the use of nuclear weapons against Daesh (ISIS), if he becomes the next American president.

Asked about the possibility of using nukes against the terror group, Trump told Bloomberg TV on Wednesday that “I’m never going to rule anything out…I wouldn’t want to tell you that because at a minimum, I want them to think maybe we would use it.”

Trump had in an earlier interview with the Washington Post evaded a similar question.

The GOP billionaire also suggested Muslims do not have enough respect for America and that if elected president, he would demand more respect for his country.

This is while on Wednesday, a day after deadly terrorist attacks in Belgium, US President Barack Obama pointed out that his administration will not change its strategy against ISIS, reiterating his belief that the terrorist group does not pose "an existential threat" to America.

Trump and his Republican rival Ted Cruz have time and again lambasted Obama’s foreign policy and his fight overseas.

On Wednesday, Cruz said Muslim neighborhoods in America should be put under special watch in order to prevent any attacks.

Such rhetoric has raised fears of new waves of Islamophobia in the US, as cities across the country are preparing for the next phase that usually follows a terror attack.

For Reference

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