Tuesday 8 March 2016


The head of an ISIS branch operating in southern Russia has called on “Millions Muslims” to join him in killing non-believers and has vowed to target Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Abu Yasser, reported to be a deputy within ISIS's so-called Caucasus Province ( Caucasus vilayat or Caucasus Emirate) , calls to attack 'apostates' with 'rope and knives' should they be unable to travel to join the terrorist group.

The chilling declaration was made in a video filmed in a wooded area and features a group of militants posing beside the notorious black banner of ISIS.

According to the Jerusalem Post, he states: 'I want to say to all the members of the Caucasus Province, to the faithful people, who pledged allegiance to the caliphate, emigrate to the lands of jihad and if you can't emigrate, you can fight the apostate with a rope and a knife.

'Today we do have a place where we can implement Sharia. Thanks to Allah, we have many brave brothers here with us and millions of Muslims in Russia.

'Let's get together my brothers, seize a territory and expand it.'

Posing beside a large artillery shell, he then continues the warning while patting the weapon.

'I would like to tell all the brothers in the Caucasus Province and in Russia that Allah has given us this iron missile and we will use it against the [apostate] Putin and his friends, the dogs.'

ISIS in the Caucasus Province was created in June this year and lies in south-west Russia, amid a brewing insurgency Putin has battled for years in and around Chechnya, according to Daily Mail.

Some have stated it is no surprise a group has been formed in the region.

While it has a history of "Islamic insurgency", ISIS is known to cherish the ferocity of the Chechen fighters within its ranks and they are considered prized recruits among the battalions fighting in Syria and Iraq.

Similar to some of the ISIS operations underway in north Africa, it appears to have been established solely as an ISIS cell and was not in existence in a different form prior

However, its leader Rustam Asildarov was recruited from Vilayat Dagestan - a "jihadi group" created during the Second Chechen War.

It lays claim to areas surrounding Dagestan, Georgia and Chechnya, as well as a handful of provinces in Russia's south that stretch up to Sochi where the 2014 Winter Olympics were held.

For Reference


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