Friday 18 September 2015


TEHRAN (FNA)- The Takfiri terrorists in Syria admitted on their social media pages that Yaser Abdul-Rahman al-Khalaf, a self-claimed leader of the so-called 'al-Jaish al-Hur' terrorist group, was killed in the Southern province of Daraa.
Units of the army on Wednesday continued to launch wide-scale operations against the Takfiri terrorist organizations across the country, inflicting heavy losses upon them in arms and personnel.

The army killed a number of terrorists and destroyed their vehicles in a battle in the Southwest of Kherbat Ghazaleh and Jisr al-Ghariya in Daraa countryside.

Earlier, units of the army and armed forces on Wednesday carried out bombardments against hotbeds of Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist organizations in the Southern Daraa province.

A unit of the army on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning carried out precise operations against positions and supply routes of the terrorist organizations at the western entrance of the Old Customs building and in the surroundings of the Police Housing Compound and at the road near the mosques of al-Hamza and al-Abbas in Daraa al-Balad neighborhood,a military source said.

The source added that a number of terrorists were killed in the operations and others were injured and one of their vehicles was destroyed with all the arms and ammunition onboard.

Meanwhile, the Takfiri terrorist organizations admitted on their pages on the social networking websites that Yaser Abdul-Rahman al-Khalaf, a self-claimed leader of the so-called 'al-Jaish al-Hur' terrorist group, was killed.

Also in the past 24 hours, the army units established control on Abu Zaid hill and other surrounding hills that overlook Damascus-Homs highway in Harasta, Damascus countryside, killing a big number of terrorists and destroying their weapons.

Earlier, army and Armed Forces units, in cooperation with the Lebanese resistance, established control over more city blocks in al-Zabadani city, a military source said.

The source said that an army unit, assisted by the Lebanese resistance, established full control over a number of blocks in Ein al-Himma, al-Maidani, al-Kubra, and al-Adaima in al-city which is located around 45km Northwest of Damascus following a series of special operations.

The operations resulted in eliminating terrorists’ hotbeds in the aforementioned areas and destroying their weapons and ammo, and army units and resistance forces are continuing to advance towards the city center to rout the remaining terrorists in it.

An army unit in cooperation with the Lebanese resistance foiled a terrorists’ attempt to escape from al-Zabadani city through the sewerage network to al-Zabadani plain.

Terrorist organizations acknowledged on their pages on social media sites the death of many of their members, including Walid Abad al-hamid Alloush, Alaa Hasan al-Agha and Mohamed Shibli.

An army unit carried out intensive operations against terrorists of 'Jaish al-Islam' in Jabal al-Makal’a al-Hafiria to the West of Douma in Damascus Countryside, killing a number of terrorists.

The operations resulted in the destruction of ammo cache, an armored vehicle, a vehicle equipped with heavy machinegun, and a bulldozer.

Also in Aleppo, the army units destroyed armored vehicles, a rocket launcher and two heavy machineguns for the terrorists at al-Mansoura village, Scientific Research building, the neighborhoods of Khan al-Assal and al-Rashedeen.

Other army units targeted terrorists’ hotbeds in the neighborhoods of Salah Eddin, Bani Zaid, al-Mayser, al-Zebdiyeh and al-Ramouseh , killing a number of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists and destroying their arms and ammunition.

The army units defending the Air Force Academy destroyed vehicles, some of them equipped with machineguns, for ISIL terrorist organization and killed a number of terrorists in the vicinity of the Academy in the eastern countryside of Aleppo.

The army carried out intensive operations on the terrorists’ gatherings and hotbeds in Khanaser town, the villages of Balat and Tal al-Ne’am, Southeast of Aleppo city, as it targeted their gatherings in Tal Reiman and Tal al-Amodi in the Eastern countryside of Aleppo where a number of terrorists were killed and their vehicles, ammunition and arms were destroyed.

An army unit, also, smashed terrorists’ hideouts and gatherings in the villages of Abteen, al-Wudaiha in the southern countryside of Aleppo, killing a number of terrorists and destroyed their arms and ammunition.

The terrorist organizations admitted on their social media webpages that a number of their members were killed.

Also on Wednesday, the army units killed 5 terrorists and destroyed hideouts and weaponry in the village of Safouhin in Idlib’s Southwestern countryside.

An army unit targeted and obliterated terrorists’ hideout in Skaik village, a number of terrorists were killed in the process, field sources said.

The army’s air force targeted terrorists’ dens and gatherings in Kafr Awid, al-Za’ainia, Maarata Blion and Kansfra in Idlib.

The airstrikes resulted in the death of many terrorists and destroying their ammo, weaponry and vehicles equipped with machineguns.

The army’s air force also targeted gatherings and hideouts of 'Jaish al-Fateh' in Maardabsa, Abu al-Dohour and Saraqib in Idlib countryside, inflicting heavy losses on terrorists.

In the neighboring province of Hama, the army killed 4 terrorists and destroyed a vehicle equipped with 14.50 mm machinegun in al-Latamina in the Northern countryside of the province.

The army killed two terrorists during clashes with terrorists near Kherbat al-Naqous.

Army units also destroyed artillery for the so-called Jasih al-Fatih terrorist group in Tal Waset in Hama countryside.

The army’s air force raided terrorists’ dens and gatherings in Skik and Kafr Zita city, causing the destruction of terrorists’ vehicles and killing many of them.

Also in Homs, the army units, aided by the popular defense groups, eliminated a number of the ISIL terrorists in the countryside of Palmyra and foiled a terrorist attack on Jeb al-Jarrah town in the Eastern countryside of the Central province of Homs.

Another army unit targeted the ISIL terrorists’ positions and hideouts in the city of Palmyra, killing a number of them and destroying their weapons and equipment.

The source added that the army units clashed with an armed terrorist group which tried to infiltrate into the surroundings of Jeb al-Jarrah town, about 73 km East of Homs city.

The clashes resulted in the killing and injuring of a number of terrorists and the destruction of their weapons and ammunition, while the rest fled.

An army unit targeted the ISIL terrorists’ gatherings and hideouts in the villages of Kharijeh and Khatab and at the surroundings of Um Jamea village in the Eastern countryside of Homs. The army operation resulted in the killing of a number of ISIL terrorists and the destruction of their hideout with all weapons and equipment inside it.

Meanwhile, army unit foiled Jabhat al-Nusra and other Takfiri terrorist organizations’ attack on a number of military posts in the countryside of Talbiseh city, about 13 km of Homs city.

Also in the past 24 hours, 15 terrorists were killed, 22 others were injured and a wireless communication station was destroyed during army operations against terrorists’ dens in the area surrounding Bojak Castle and Beit Shrouq village in the Northern countryside of Lattakia.

Army units supported by army’s air force targeted terrorists’ dens in Birnass village and in Salma town.

The strikes resulted in the destruction of many vehicles, some of them equipped with machineguns and eliminating a number of terrorists.

An army unit killed during a special operation many terrorists, injured many others and destroyed their ammunition in Northeast of Jub al-Ahmar village.

Several terrorists were killed, others were injured and their weapons were destroyed during army’s strikes against terrorists’ hideouts in Deir Hanna village to the East of Lattakia city.

For Reference

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