Saturday 12 September 2015


Smoke from an explosion rises after a Saudi airstrike at an army base in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a,

Tribal leaders in the Yemeni oil-rich central province of Ma’rib have denounced the Saudi military aggression against their country, Press TV reports.

Representatives of Yemeni tribesmen in Ma’rib held a press conference in the capital, Sana’a, on Thursday to condemn the war against their impoverished country.

They said Ma’rib stands in the frontline of resistance against the Saudi aggression on Yemen.

“We have held this press conference to make it clear that all the people of Ma’rib are against the occupation of their country. They vow to defend their country at all costs. Saudi and its ally states are being exploited by the US and Israel to wage a war that will backfire on their nations,” a representative of Yemeni tribesmen (shown below) told the Press TV correspondent.

“Ma’rib has been unfairly treated for a long time by Saudi mercenaries who turned this civilized part of Yemen into a region of … saboteurs who kept the city of Ma’rib deprived of infrastructural development,” another representative (shown below) told Press TV.

On March 26, Saudi Arabia began its aggression against Yemen – without a UN mandate – in a bid to undermine the Houthi Ansarullah movement and restore power to the country's fugitive former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh.

On Thursday, Saudi Arabia launched what has been described as the fiercest attacks on the capital, Sana'a, in more than five months.

"The sick people fled the hospital in terror," an official at a private hospital said. "They were afraid the building would collapse from the non-stop bombing of the army bases nearby."

Saudi warplanes also bombarded the Yemeni capital as many as 25 times on Wednesday.

In retaliatory attacks, Yemeni army forces and allied popular committees also fired Katyusha rockets at Saudi forces in the area of Sahn al-Jin in Ma’rib on Wednesday.

Muhammed al-Bukhaiti, a member of Ansarullah’s political bureau, said that Riyadh’s attempt to invade Sana’a will be foiled.

Muhammed al-Bukhaiti, a member of Ansarullah’s political bureau

“The Saudi military spokesman has made it clear that their current field of campaign aims to take control of Ma’rib and Taizz. This comes after they faced defeats in several regions,” Bukhaiti said, adding that the Saudi claim to take control of Sana’a within 72 hours is “just a dream that has not come true.”  

The conflict in Yemen has so far left about 4,500 people dead and thousands of others wounded, the UN says. Local Yemeni sources, however, say the fatality figure is much higher.

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