Sunday 20 December 2015


TEHRAN (FNA)- The residents of the two Shiite towns of Fou'aa and Kafraya in the province of Idlib are facing unfavorable conditions due to acute shortage of food and fuel.

Speaking to FNA, a resident of the Fou'aa town said that the residents of the two cities have no flour, bread and firewood and are forced to eat plants due to the acute shortage of foodstuff.

"The people have no money; we cannot buy drinking water or flour," the Fou'aa resident added.

He said most of the houses do not have sugar because they cannot buy it. "People do not have access to essential goods and foodstuff such as eggs, they do not even have fuel for their cars and homes."

The Shiite towns of Fou’aa and Kafraya are situated to the Northeastern of Idlib and have been under the siege of the militants of Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham for months before a ceasefire agreement allowed for aid to reach the 40,000 civilians in these towns momentarily.

However, the militants have ignored the ceasefire agreement and are preventing the flow of aid to the civilian population in the two towns.

In mid-November, military sources announced that the Syrian Army and the Lebanese Hezbollah fighters are resolved to end the several-month-long siege on Fou’aa and Kafraya as they have deployed forces just 17 kilometers away from the two besieged towns.

The sources said that an ultimate goal for the army and Hezbollah is to capture the territory leading to Kafraya and Al-Fou’aa; and by doing so, they will no longer be at the mercy of the terrorist groups that use these two towns to threaten the pro-government forces with an attack on the civilian populous.

As of now, Hezbollah and their allies are approximately 17km away from Al-Fou’aa and only 11km from the militant stronghold of Taftanaz; if the aforementioned town is captured, the terrorist groups will be in serious trouble.

Meantime, the Syrian army and the militants reached an agreement in September under the UN supervision, to exchange captured and surrounded militants in Zabadani city in Damascus province with civilians of the two Shiite-populated Kafria and Foua'a cities in 6 months.

According to the Lebanese Al-Akhbar daily, some 129 militants are due to leave Zabadani city in exchange for 400 civilians from Kafria and Foua'a on Sunday.

For Reference

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