Wednesday 30 December 2015


Monday under the supervision of International Committee of the Red Cross “ICRC” and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent “SARC” within the exerted efforts to evacuate the Zabadani city from gunmen and weapons, Buses and ambulances ferried at least 120 Sunni rebels and their families from Zabadani into nearby Lebanon.

In turn, some 300 families from Al Foua and Kafraya started leaving the two towns in the countryside of Idlib besieged since two years ago.

But militants, who are trying to overthrow Syria's legitimate government, have used local ceasefire agreements to receive medical treatment outside the war-torn country and then return to the battlefield, political analyst Ryan Dawson warned.

They went across the border [to] Turkey, rearmed, came back to Syria and started fighting again," he told PressTV.

Earlier this week, more than 460 Syrian rebels and civilians were evacuated to receive medical assistance in neighboring countries under a local ceasefire deal brokered by the UN.

On Monday, the United Nations, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent and the International Committee of the Red Cross transported at least 120 rebels and civilians from the Syrian towns of Zabadani and Madaya to Lebanon. In addition, more than 330 people from the towns of Foua and Kafraya were taken to Turkey.

Earlier reports suggested that the UN was ready to evacuate rebels, including Daesh members, from the refugee camp in late December but the planned evacuation did not take place, Sputnik Newsreports

The Syrian conflict has been raging since March 2011, claiming the lives of more than 250,000 people.

Several coalitions have declared their intent to fight terrorist groups fighting in the Arab country, but many doubt that the US counterterrorism efforts, launched in September 2014, are bringing a positive change to the region.

"The US is not interested in [ending the Syrian war]. They are interested in prolonging the conflict on purpose and it is intentional," Dawson asserted. He also accused the West of "supporting [the] ethnic cleansing of Kurds, they are supporting [the] ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and they have been indirectly financing [Daesh]."

For Reference

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