Monday 14 December 2015


Thousands of protesters gather in Tahrir Square in central Baghdad and Basra to demand the pullout of Turkish troops from Iraq.

One member of Hashaid Shaabi (popular committee forces which fight alongside of Iraqi Army) said in demonstration: "We have the right to respond. There are Turkish businesses in Iraq. There are about 1500 Turkish companies. We announce from now to boycott the Turkish goods."

But well kwon commander in fight against Daesh and head of Badr organization Hadi Al-Amiri, Said: "We categorically reject to violate our nation's sovereignty and the suspicious plans that aim to divide Iraq, under any reason and we also consider and military existence on Iraqi land as a foreign invasion and we have to face it with force and with all available methods."

"We fully support the Iraqi government which refuses any military presence on the Iraqi land. We demand to open all the options towards the Turkish forces' presence in the Neinawa province and we assure them that the troops in the resistance are with them and will never leave them as long as they are with the unity, sovereignty, pride and dignity of Iraq", Hadi Al-Amiri said.

Leader of Badr organization Hadi Al-Amiri said: "Today in the council of the province as a local government, we discussed the subject of closing the Turkish consulate in Basra, the Turkish businesses in Basra and the whole of Iraq where they estimate more than 12 billion dollars. They should not think that this number will remain as it is, we will smite all their interests unless they don't go back.

Iraq appealed to the United Nations Security Council on Friday to demand an immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all Turkish troops from the north of the country.

Baghdad said their presence was a "flagrant violation" of international law; .
It comes after Iraq’s top Shia cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani calls on the government to show "no tolerance" towards any side that violates the country's sovereignty.

In a statement released on Friday, Ayatollah Sistani said neighboring states must not send troops to Iraq without the consent of the Iraqi government.

On December 4, Turkey deployed about 150 troops and 25 tanks to a base in the Iraqi Nineveh province, without Baghdad's approval.

According to Ankara, the aim of the deployment was to provide security to Turkish soldiers deployed earlier to train Kurdish militia who are fighting the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIL /ISIS, or Daesh), a group outlawed in a number of countries.

Iraq has rejected the claims, stressing that the Turkish military presence had not been requested.

For Reference

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