Thursday 28 January 2016


An influential Iraqi parliamentary leader says the ideology embraced by the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group originates in Saudi Arabia, emphasizing the necessity to fight back such an ideology alongside other measures to counter Daesh.

“Daesh has no problem recruiting,” Hadi al-Amiri, the head of the Iraqi Badr Organization, told Reuters. “Foreign fighters are still flocking in huge numbers to Iraq and Syria via Turkey.”

“There is no terrorist organization with the ability to recruit and organize youths like Daesh does. We should know our enemy accurately and precisely to be able to defeat them,” he added.

He said Wahhabism – the ideology of Daesh and other extremist groups – originates in Saudi Arabia, where officially-sanctioned preachers propagate the ultra-hardline worldview.

“We need to combat this ideology before we dry out its funding,” Amiri said.

The Iraqi figure further said Takfiris withstand the US airstrikes that are said to be hitting them because, according to him, the strikes are failing to hit the right targets. “Until now we have not seen effective airstrikes.”

“Many of its (Daesh’s) leadership have been killed, but one should know that Daesh is still strong,” he said. “Their attacks are still daring and swift and their morale is high. They still have money and weapons.”

The US has been leading a coalition that purports to be carrying out airstrikes against Daesh terrorists in Iraq since June 2014.

Iraq has been fighting a battle against Daesh since the summer of 2014, with government forces managing to dispel the terrorists from key urban areas in the north and west of the country. The armed wing of Amiri’s Badr organization has been fighting alongside government forces against Daesh.

The Daesh terrorists have been committing vicious crimes against all ethnic and religious communities in Iraq, including Shias, Sunnis, Kurds and Christians, since June 2014. They also have many parts of neighboring Syria under control.

Concerning Baghdad’s plans to retake the northern city of Mosul from Daesh, Amiri said, "There are preparatory operations to retake Mosul but other operations have a priority."

"We want to go to Mosul with the reassurance that Baghdad is safe and all the provinces in the north and the south are safe. This is the main reason that delayed us advancing toward Mosul," he added.

Mosul fell into the hands of the Daesh terrorists in June last year in the first stage of terrorists' advance through Iraq.

"We have a decision not to enter the city of Mosul. We will surround it from outside and leave its people and its tribes to take part while we conduct the siege," he said.

Last week, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said the military and local police forces will work together to liberate the city.

For Reference

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