Tuesday 26 January 2016


Pentagon claims that they do not know how many arms have been supplied to ISIS by its regional allies while there have been repeated reports that the CIA, Qatar and Saudi Arabia covertly arming the terrorists in the region.
What’s new is that the Pentagon no longer has any clue how many arms have ended up in the hands of its hard-core jihadists. More so, the Pentagon conveniently overlooks the fact that much of it have been supplied to the terrorist outfits by its regional partners in crime.

While it is true that ISIL has captured some US-made weapons and ordnance from the Iraqi army, there have been repeated reports of the CIA, Qatar and Saudi Arabia covertly arming the militants. Although the regime changers claim these weapons are being supplied to “moderate” opposition groups like the Free Syrian Army, much of it ultimately ends up in the hands of extremist outfits. This is because the imaginary “friends of Syria” and “moderate” head-choppers have all joined the proscribed terrorist groups of ISIL and Al-Qaeda.

According to corporate media reports, Turkish intelligence has also been supplying militants fighting against the Syrian government with arms and ammunition. A recent testimony from Turkish military officers in court documents published by the media reveals that rocket parts, ammunition and semi-finished mortar shells are being carried in trucks accompanied by state intelligence agency officials to parts of Syria under ISIL control. Silly enough, the Pentagon officials insist US-supplied arms and other supplies that fall into the hands of militants do so due to shoddy recordkeeping by the Iraqi army!

As is, international law bars the United States and its allies from providing arms to terrorist groups committing human rights violations and genocide in Syria. Despite that, significant amounts of US-made arms are still being deliberately diverted to the terrorist groups there, largely thanks to the CIA-Turkish-Saudi-Qatari patchwork supply system.

This contradicts the official line of US government on its policy in Syria. Together, the regime changers are using the burgeoning threat of ISIL to justify the bogus War on Terror, trigger arms race in the region, and uphold excessive mass surveillance and crackdowns on civil liberties at home.

The narrative and the plotline are transparent though: The War Party and its partners created the ISIL to replace the Al-Qaeda. They never fight their own creature as ISIL is nothing more than Al-Qaeda 2.0. US Vice President Joe Biden couldn’t agree more. He admitted last year that Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar and Turkey funnelled hundreds of millions of dollars to terrorist groups in Syria that later metamorphosed into ISIL with deadly consequences and global blowback.

If the declassified secret US government documents are anything to go by, the purpose was to use ISIL as the vehicle of choice to block off the strategic expansion of Iran by ousting President Bashar al-Assad, who for years has stood in the way of a critical Qatari natural gas pipeline, one which could dethrone Russia as Europe's dominant source of energy - even if it would lead to a huge escalation of sectarian conflict.

And not just that: This fits a policy scenario identified by a recent US Army-commissioned RAND Corp report. The report calls for the US “to capitalize on the Shiite-Sunni conflict by taking the side of the Sunni regimes against all Shiite empowerment movements.”

This does confirm that the “divide and rule” strategy is being deployed for dubious geopolitical purposes and that the regime changers have formed temporary alliances with terrorist proxies in the form of weapons and cash. The revelation also does raise troubling questions about the US-led diplomatic efforts and deeply misguided policies to invite the same terrorist groups to the upcoming Syria peace talks. Obviously, hypocrisy is a value that has been embraced by them all; FNA reported.

For Reference


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