Sunday 27 March 2016


Iran's President Hassan Rouhani says lack of unity among Muslims is the main reason behind the current problems and crises that face the Islamic world.

Addressing a gathering of Pakistani scholars and intellectuals in the capital city, Islamabad, on Saturday and on the second day of his two-day official visit to Iran's eastern neighbor, Rouhani said unity is the only remedy to problems of which both Shia and Sunni Muslims are suffering.

Rouhani noted that religious schools in Islamic countries should teach students in Islamic unity, because if Muslims want to overcome the existing crises in the Islamic world, they have no choice, but to foster unity among Muslim societies.

He said Islam is the religion of moderation and moral values, adding that the nature of Shia Muslims is not based on confrontation with Sunnis.

The Iranian president also warned that those, who are sowing discord between Shia and Sunni Muslims, have no intention but to completely undermine ruin both of these Islamic denominations.

“Is it possible to see in the world today, when Islam and the Qur’an have so many enemies, that one is creating distance between this and that faith?” Rouhani asked.

Emphasizing that Muslims need to take advantage of the power of Islam and reinforce their unity, the Iranian president added, “We need to boost our Islamic identity.”

Rouhani, however, cautioned that unity will not be attained as long as all denominations of Islam are not respected.

He also stressed the importance of promoting the culture of true Islam, saying, “The Culture of the Qur’an needs to be promoted to confront enemies’ threats.”

The Iranian president went on to note that Muslims should increase their power through pursuing science and knowledge, adding that all men and women scholars need to work together to boost the power of Islam.

“Enemies want the tree of Islam to be fruitless. Muslims need to revive true Islam,” the Iranian president pointed out; Press TV reported.

For Reference

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