Monday 14 March 2016


Two women have risked certain death to capture a terrifying snapshot of life under the brutal ISIS.

Wearing the obligatory burkas, used hidden cameras as they toured around the barbaric group living Raqqa in Syria.

Filming as they made their way around the city, they reported a grim reality of life for those living among the extremists.

The blacked out windows, sparsely stocked shops and drab city are a far cry from the propaganda videos churned out by ISIS trying to lure westerners to join its evil enterprise.

And once within the terrorists’ grip, the women’s testament reveals that it is almost impossible to break free or indeed even travel without a special permit which is only available for three days a week.

Women are ordered to cover their faces at all times, and the edict extends to advertising too.

Entering a shop, one of the women trains the camera on a hair colouring product – but the images has been blacked out with a marker pen so it is almost impossible to know what colour the dye is for.

One of the women, called Om Mohammad, reveals they would be stoned to death if they were caught doing the illicit filming.

She said: "I want to live the way I want. I want to buy what I want. I want to go out alone, free and without having a guardian with me.”

ISIS fighters, with guns slung over their shoulder, watch as the women pass.

The hidden camera also reveals how the city's main church as been converted into the headquarters for ISIS where the cross which once stood so proudly has been shattered.

Om Mohammad and her fellow accomplice Om Omran explain that they had been living peaceably in Raqqa until ISIS invaded in 2014 brandishing black flags .

The women both had jobs before ISIS arrived but now are forced to stay at home and are not allowed out without the company of a male relative or a friend.

The women take a tour of the smartest area of Raqqa, where foreign fighters live and carry out brutal executions which include pushing people from the tallest clocktower, lowering caged prisoners into tanks of water until they drown and putting others in vehicles and firing grenades at them.

The women talk about the punishments meted out to other females.

Om Mohammad said: "They don't say what the woman's crime is if they're going to stone her to death.

"They ask people to come to the roundabout to witness the execution. They let people come here and bring stones.

“When the terrorist throws the first stone, the others start throwing theirs."

"Some bodies are laid out on the road. Then they force cars to drive over them until there's nothing left of the body. The body becomes like a rag", Express reported.

For Reference

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