Monday 14 March 2016


The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) thwarted the ISIS terrorists’ attempts to target the Kurdish fighters’ positions in the Northeastern part of Aleppo province in Tishrin Dam region.

At least five ISIS suicide cars were identified and targeted by the Kurdish fighter before they could reach to the SDF strongholds bordering Tishrin dam in Raqqa province.

At least 12 ISIS terrorists were also killed in the failed attacks.

The Kurdish forces have made considerable military gains against the ISIS in the Northern and Northeastern parts of Syria in recent weeks.

The SDF that is comprised of mainly Kurdish fighters as well as a few hundred Syrian Arab dissident forces have received trainings from the US and have been provided with scanty US-coalition air support in their battles in Raqqa province in Northeastern Syria; but in Northern and Northwestern battlefronts, they have been operating alongside the YPG and received the Russian air backup in their Aleppo wars that started with the conquest of Tishrin Dam on the Euphrates early in February.

Reports said on Saturday that anti-terrorism operation of the Syrian Army and its allies in the Southeastern part of Aleppo province inflicted major losses on the ISIS terrorists and pushed them back from more key hills and villages in the region.

The Syrian government forces stormed the ISIS Takfiri terrorists’ concentration centers near the strategic hills of Shobeib, forced them to retreat and imposed full control over the mentioned hills and its nearby villages.

The army attacks claimed the lives of several terrorists and destroyed their military equipment, FNA reported.

For Reference

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